Saturday, August 20, 2011


Earlier this month I found a Web 2.0 tool that I feel will help faculty critique student projects as well as senior portfolios.   There are times in classes that I want students to critique each other; currently I hand out a form and the students go in groups and critique each other.  I go around as well and try to listen to how the students critique – which are usually terrible. I also need to look at the projects and give critique as well, since the students do not look at the projects with a designer eye yet.  With this tool I can set it up so the critique can be student-to-student, instructor-to-student, or both.  If I set it up as both and then I go in I cannot only critique the artwork but critique of the student comments as well.  Right now they will just say I like that because I like that color. NO! Why is it the right or wrong color, how is the line, shape, message, etc. of the project.  This fills in a large void we have currently.

The layout of ConceptShare has a tiered-level setup – collections, workspaces and assets.   So what is each of these levels? Collections are the main folder that can either be a specific area of study for a school or a division of a company or as small as just and particular faculty member.  In each of those collections one can add the workspaces.  These workspaces depending on the original level can be the faculty, a work group or student folder.  Finally the assets are the work to be critiqued. 

Collections – 2
My classes and GD_BS Portfolios

Drop down menu also available on the left side
This collection will contain my classes

I have made 3 workspaces within 1 of the collections.
These are 3 of my classes

These are individual folder within the workspace –
I put individual student folders here
At each level you can set the email notification for each person that has been invited.  However, the reviewers can also adjust how they receive the emails.  So as the administrator I might set send email when: Any comment is made, replies to my comments and new assets added.  But the reviewer may just want notification for a new asset; they can reset it if wanted.   

Email to reviewer inviting them to
ConceptShare to critique work
The assets can be images (jpg or tif), vector (eps), video (Flash, AfterEffects), PDF files, and Word documents.  Once downloaded you can select your reviewers and send them and invite via email.  As the administrator I can allow the reviewers to see only specific areas.  I can left them see one or all of the collections, I can limit them to only specific workspaces within a collection or as low as only one student or piece of work.  Whatever I allow them to see is where ConceptShare will take them.  The email will have a link to my ConceptShare and the reviewer will just sign in with their own password and start to critique.

Assets for 1 student
This student has 2 projects to critique

One asset open and ready for critique

So that’s if for setting up the collections and getting it ready for the reviewer.  Next I will show you how one will critique using ConceptShare. See you soon!

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