Saturday, March 10, 2012

MAC_Week 2: Comment #1 – Hunter Menning's Blog

My Comment for Hunter Menning:

Hunter – A great collaborator
during this EMDT adventure
I agree with you totally about this book. As I was reading I kept thinking, "how can I use this practice in my classroom to get my students thinking more positive about themselves, hence opening up limitless possibilities!" I am so excited about this book I shared it with my director and she is going to get it, read it and maybe even buy copies for the GD faculty to read as well. As always your take on things come from a different direction than most and you verbalize it so well. Like Picasso or Michelangelo you paint the perfect picture. I look forward to the rest of the book for even more possibilities.

Hunter Menning's Blog Post: 

The Art of Possibilities - Chapter 1 to 4

Our MAC course textbook, 'The Art of Possibilities,' is one of those rare books that pulls you in and makes you smile at least once every page. Can you imagine the conversations that must occur around the authors', Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s supper table?! I want to fall into any one of these conversations. This book takes my brain on a journey somewhat like the book, ‘A Whack On The Side Of The Head.’ Every page had possibilities – never roadblocks. The book's perspective of people like Picasso, unveiled limitless options all based on perception. So is it good to be limitless in thought? Well, you may be in the minority and you are probably highly misunderstood. The truth is that the world is not ready for 'infinite' thinkers and people cannot jump from a level 10 to a level 50 right away. It takes one-step level at a time, and then some comfort time with that level before the mind can accept moving up one more level. So how do we get to the top level of possibilities? I am planning to just invite myself over to the Zander’s house. When they find out I’m in month 11 of EMDT at Full Sail, they will want to hear how amazing it is. Hey, I'll do anything for a free supper! The 'Possibilities' are endless!

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